Rugby is a full contact sport that is popular all over the world, in recent years the women’s game has exploded in popularity with the success of the England Women’s team the Red Roses. Last year with the success of of the Red Roses World Cup matches beating the world record for consecutive matches won with 30 matches won over three years with an unfortunate defeat in last years World Cup against Krystal Rotas Black Ferns team (the New Zealand Women’s team) beating Cyprus's record of 25 consecutive matches won. The Red Roses haven’t stopped since their loss in the New Zealand World Cup, just winning the Grand Slam in the 2023 TikTok Women’s Six Nations beating the recently turned professional Italy, Scotland and French teams, scoring over 50 points in 3 matches. And at the finale day of the Women’s Six Nations England's fixture against France affectionately named ‘le crunch’ set a new world record for attendance to a women’s match of 58,498 of Twickenham’s seats filled at the first stand alone women’s match at Twickenham 20 years on from the first women’s match played there. 


Now when scrolling through the Englands Instagram it is filled with the Roses successes and pictures of the players on and off the pitch, from photos taken after games to their training sessions afterwards and honouring recently retired players Shaunagh Brown and Sarah Hunter, and two of their coaches stepping down Simon Middleton the Head Coach and attack coach Scott Bemand, I wanted to ask a few people  what they think about the rise of women playing hooligans sport played by gentle‘men’


Emily in year 10 says that ‘it’s good and cool that the sport is growing’


Lily in year 10 says “I think it’s good to get women’s sport seen by a wider community and I partake in a popular sport (rowing) the rise in popularity of women’s rugby has led to many other sports where women’s games and races are less viewed to increase in popularity. This helps women to become stronger as a minority group and address the problem of the gender pay gap which is big in professional sport”


Luka in year 11 says “I love it, I think it’s brilliant that everyone is getting represented in the worlds greatest sport”


Lottie, years 11, says “I love it, I’m so happy women’s rugby is becoming more popular”


Cameron, year 13, says “I don’t follow sports, but this sounds like a feminism win to me!”


Mason year 11 says “I think it’s incredible that misogyny in sport is decreasing! I think it’s amazing that women are feeling more comfortable playing rugby and doing what they want to do with their lives. Anyone who dislikes women’s rugby simply for the reason women are playing really needs to take a long hard look at themselves”

Bethany says "I would say it's the revelation that people have come to that women's sport is to a very high standard. I think that some men have a predisposition to assume that women's sport is to a lesser standard than men's. However with the recent media coverage that the women's game had been receiving those ideas can be ignored. I also think that the National and international success of our women's team has caused a spark in media coversge that has propelled it forward in the public eye. 

Also the misogynist ideas that women are weak and can't play a contact sport are also decreasing, I think this is primarily caused by new feminist ideology. As well as the media we consumed as children. If you think back to early 200's TV for kids on Disney or Nickelodeon, there would always be an episode of 'the boys think the girl can't do this when she really can, oh my god!" Such as 'Bella and the Bulldogs' or the Monster High Skate Movie.

I think these ideas are very prevalent in the way we see gender roles especially when women's sport or physical ability. In addition, is the need to be unique and original. The 'main character complex' that many people in gen Z face being a girl who plays rugby is 'different'. In a world where we are constantly put into groups, being unique and original is an escape from that, whether it's to be of our on volition, or simply due to the need to stand out."

"it's good and a really great opportunity for lots of women and can be proof that sport doesn't need to be put into groups in terms of gender" says Felicity in year 10

"I think it's amazing and I'm so happy!!" Says Charlotte in year 11


Women’s Rugby is on the rise and there is no denying it. And of course, congrats to our wonderful Red Roses past and present 🌹