Three victims have told police they are ‘shocked’ after a man threatened to stab them in Abingdon if they did not hand over their bags.

Keane Neal, 25, was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Tuesday (October 1) after the incident on July 29 last year.

At 3.45am, he approached three men and threatened to stab and shoot them if they didn’t give him ‘all their s***’.

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Neal was subsequently charged with robbery and two counts of attempted robbery and was jailed for 32 months on Tuesday.

Sentencing the scaffolder, Judge Hassan Khan said: “They must have thought you had a knife and they must have thought they were going to come to serious harm.

“I consider the seriousness of the offences is such that only an immediate custodial sentence is appropriate in this case.”

During the sentencing, it was heard that Neal, of Howard Cornish Road, Marcham, had first approached the victims asking for a cigarette.

He later returned and starting making threats, saying: “Give me your s***, give me or I’ll stab you. I want your bag, give me your bag, I’ll stab you. I’ll stab you both, I’ll shoot you.”

Neal had pushed one of the victims over a wall, breaking his £240 headphones. He failed to make off with the other two men’s bags.

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In a victim impact statement read out to the court, the first man said his mental health has been impacted by the incident as well as it impacting his relationship.

He had to take unpaid leave from work and has been unable to assist his partner with the rent.

The second victim also needed to take unpaid work and his mother needed to pay £300 to replace the headphones which help his autism. He said he was ‘shocked’ by the incident and that he still thinks about it occasionally.

Neal has 11 convictions for 16 previous offences, the court heard, most of which were committed when he was a youth.

Defending Neal, his barrister Peter Du Feu said his client was drunk at the time of the offence and has grown up in a ‘grim background’.

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“He’s making real progress but perhaps it came too late,” he said. “I’ve explained to him that street robberies are taken really seriously in court. The threats were scary.”

Cries could be heard from the public gallery as Neal was sentenced to 32 months behind bars. He waved to his family before he was taken down to the cells.

He will serve half in custody before being release on licence.