Wantage has been listed as one of the worst places for healthcare in the South East of England.

The research by Vanguard Cleaning, a medical cleaning company,  looked at data from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to rank the 15 worst areas in the region.

The body conducts audits and inspections of all services including hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, and dentists assessing a range of factors including infection control, quality of patient care, and practice management. 

The data showed that 21.1 per cent of medical services in the Wantage failed their most recent CQC audit ranking them 13th on the list.

That figure encompasses four practices that were rated as requiring improvement, out of a total of 19 rated services.

Rochester, Chatham and Gillingham ranked the worst areas with 30.5 per cent of services rated as requiring improvement.

Second on the list was Deal with 29.3 per cent rated as requiring improvement while Buckingham came third on the list with a percentage of 28.6.