A cafe which brings older people and animals together is celebrating its second birthday.

The Roves Farm Seniors Friendship Cafe, located on the Oxfordshire border, welcomes older people, including those with dementia, to interact with farm animals, play games and socialise.

With events held on the second Tuesday of each month, between 10.30am and midday, attendees can enjoy a hot drink and quizzes before having the chance to hold and feed the farm's new born animals.

Oxfordshire Dementia often attend for an informal chat with those who need some support and information. 

Cat Attewell, from Home Instead Swindon and Vale of White Horse, runs the cafe.

She said: "It’s been amazing to see older people getting out and making friends.

"We always have a friendly, fun time but the magic really happens when you see people’s faces light up when they stroke and hold the baby animals.

"Many older people can’t necessarily keep a pet at home, but they love to interact with the animals and experience all the sounds and smells of a farm, and it brings back happy memories.”

The cafe has had many professional guests attend to share information, including Live Well Team from Swindon Borough Council and the vulnerable person’s officer from Thames Water.  

Other regular guests include Dilys, a registered therapy dog with Therapy Dogs Nationwide, along with her owner Karen Price.