From the 21st to the 23rd of March, at King Alfred’s Academy in Wantage, Oxfordshire put on a production of We Will Rock You, a jukebox musical comprised of Queen songs and written by Ben Elton. 


What was the play about?

We Will Rock You depicts a dystopian future set on the ‘iPlanet’, ruled by the nefarious Killer Queen- a land in which free thought has been eradicated, along with conformity’s antithesis: Rock ‘N’ Roll. A group of ‘Bohemians’ led by protagonists Galileo and Scaramouche struggle against the system and fight to restore rock music and overthrow the regime. 


What was the musical like?

The play is full of references to pop culture, reflective of it being developed by comedian Ben Elton, who also employed the help of Queen’s own Brian May and Roger Taylor in writing the musical, so the play, despite putting a spin on the classics, still remained true to the songs you love. The soundtrack itself is a careful mix of the most popular hits of the 70s rock band (including, of course, the song which lends it’s name to the title of the play) and some less well-known hits deserving of their own moment in the spotlight, so to speak. The music was performed live by a band made up of both student and teacher musicians. The set, props, costumes, and choreography all made for an immersive production with immense attention to detail.


Who took part?

Students from Year 9 to Year 13 took part, taking on roles both as actors, musicians, backstage managers, and lighting and sound technicians. A split cast meant that younger students and older students to share acting parts, each taking alternating performances, allowing for the opportunity for more students to be cast in principal roles. 


How did the performances go?

Across the 3 days, there were a total of 4 performances put on to the public, in addition to 2 in front of students from lower down in the school and children from local primary schools. One audience member who attended Saturday’s evening performance said, “What an incredible night! It’s obvious how much effort has been put in. I wish I could watch it all over again!”



Following the success of their production of High School Musical last year, We Will Rock You, did not disappoint- it was exciting and entertaining watch, with catchy songs, talented student actors, and a product of many months’ hard work by both students and teachers alike. Excitement is already building for next year’s!