Plans for a 60-bedroom motel near Didcot have prompted fears it would cause traffic chaos if approved by councillors. 

London-based developer Lingwood Estates wants to build “a much-needed new motel in a prime location” off the Chilton Interchange by the A34.

The company has submitted an outline planning application to South Oxfordshire District Council, the planning authority.

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Herald Series: A computer generated image of what the proposed motel off the A34 would look like

But a public consultation – which runs until January 11 - has seen several objections made by concerned folk living in the area.

Some fear the motel will overload the road with traffic while others claim there is already too much development in the area.

Kelly Fraser, who lives in Chilton, said schoolchildren catching the bus would be put in danger if the motel was built.

She said: “The extra traffic from the motel coming on and off the A34 slip roads and in and out of the motel, will increase the risk to the school children that cross the road from the village to catch the school bus and get dropped off next to the proposed plot of land.

Herald Series: The intended site of the motel off the Chilton Interchange

“Cars tend to speed coming on and off the slip roads so an increase in traffic will make crossing even more dangerous.

“The area is already congested. The extra traffic from the motel guests, staff and deliveries will only make this worse.”

Chilton Parish Council also objected to the plans, claiming the motel would “exacerbate” traffic problems on the A34.

Parish clerk Liz Morris said: “Traffic in the immediate area has been identified as an issue particularly at the roundabout from which access is proposed and the slips to the A34, where collisions have occurred.

“This development would exacerbate an existing and growing problem.

Herald Series: A computer generated image of what the proposed motel off the A34 would look like

“The application attempts to show that there are no hotel facilities between Tothill south of Newbury and Oxford.

“This is at best misleading as there are large hotels at Chieveley, Milton and in Abingdon which are easily accessed from both sides of the A34.”

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In a planning statement submitted on behalf of Lingwood Estates, planning agents Oxford and Country Planning said the motel would create jobs in the area.

The statement said: “There is a need for a significant increase in hotel supply in the Science Vale area and it is submitted that a new motel in this location would help meet the current and future need for visitor accommodation in this key development area for the district.

“It would provide benefits for the local area through job creation, economic development and tourism.

“It also offers the potential to positively redevelop a redundant, roadside site that has no environmental value.”

A previous application to build a roadside service station at the site was unsuccessful.