The mayors of four Herald towns have penned their Christmas messages for readers looking back across 2023 and touching on what is coming up during 2024.


Dan Beauchamp, mayor of Wallingford, said: "One of the best things about Wallingford is the sheer amount of community involvement in the town.

"While Wallingford Town Council has been involved in all manner of events we have been supported and in turn have supported community groups in adding so much more and that was highlighted this Christmas with the stellar efforts of Wallingford 1155 and the Churches Together in the Wallingford Area (CTWA), amongst others.

Herald Series: Dan Beauchamp, mayor of Wallingford Dan Beauchamp, mayor of Wallingford (Image: Stuart Emmerson)“It has been said that no man is an Island and I would suggest that no council is a community but we play our part. We all work together. I look forward to seeing existing plans develop and flourish.

"It is with this ideal that I hope to push on in to 2024 with renewed vigour, hope and ambition."


Angela Dunford, mayor of Wantage, said: “What a wonderful time of year. I had the privilege of attending The Snowman concert performed by the Wantage Silver Band on December 2. 

“On December 6 we held the mayor’s carols, a wonderful evening of music performed by local school choirs, choral groups and our Wantage Silver Band. So great to see so many people take part.

Herald Series: Angela Dunford, mayor of Wantage Angela Dunford, mayor of Wantage (Image: Ed Nix)“I also attended Thames Valley Police Thanksgiving and Christmas Celebration at Christchurch Cathedral on December 14, Wantage Silver Band Concert at Wantage Parish Church on December 16, Christmas Dinner with Around Table at Holy Trinity Church Charlton on December 20 and Carols by Candlelight today (Saturday, December 23).”


Axel McDonald, mayor of Didcot, said: “My Christmas message for Didcot is one of good news.

"Willowbrook is now up and running, which was something of a challenge and the new pavilion in Edmonds Park is nearly finished and should be available in 2024 for hire and events.

“The work on the nearby splash park should commence soon adding a much-desired free leisure facility to the town and we should see Edmonds Park usage for leisure activities other than football increase as a result.

"I anticipate other facilities such as drink and food stands also popping up.

Herald Series: Axel McDonald Axel McDonald (Image: Axel Macdonald)

“On the mayoral front, the mayor’s rock night is on February 10 at the Civic Hall and mayoral ball on March 1 again at the Civic Hall – there will obviously be a St David’s Day theme.

“Events have been run by the civic hall staff already, such as the children’s disco, to raise funds for my charities, the Didcot Foodbank and the Felix Fund. A heartfelt big thank you to those involved.

“I wish Didcot residents a very happy Christmas – stay safe and enjoy the festivities.”


Professor Gwyneth Lewis OBE, mayor of Abingdon, said: “On behalf of Abingdon Town Council may I take this opportunity wish all of you a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful and healthy New Year.

"The past year has been a busy one for us town councillors with the resumption of many activities that have been in abeyance due to previous Covid restrictions.

“Abingdon is certainly a proud and historic town with a number of its own traditions, most of which we managed to participate in over the last year or two.

Herald Series: The mayor of Abingdon The mayor of Abingdon (Image: Martin Wackenier)

“We also held many other events, too numerous to mention, but including celebrating 100 years since the first MG came off the production line, Swan Upping and our successful Party in the Park.

“We also held a special Advent service at Trinity Church where the wonderful Fijian choir from Dalton Barracks were in fine voice. It was an honour to lead the service on Remembrance Sunday too.

“We are now looking forward to next year and all that it brings. In April, we will put on our best face and welcome all the mayors of all our twin towns from Argentan, Lucca, Schongau and Sint-Niklaas.

"Other events next year include the ATOM science festival, the Abingdon Passion Play, the Heritage weekend and another Party in the Park."