Public notices are adverts placed by councils and other local authorities to inform people of developments in their areas.

They can cover a wide variety of topics that may impact your life.

They can include planning applications and appeals, road closures or proposals by pubs or nightclubs hoping to change their opening hours or make other variations.

The purpose of a public notice is to make sure anybody - either an individual or a group - with an interest has an opportunity to find out about and comment on the proposal before a decision is made on whether to allow it to go ahead.

Isis Gasworks Pipe footbridge: Footpath nos. 320/116/50 to 320/116/60 will be closed from August 14, 2023 because of refurbishment of Isis Gasworks footbridge which is anticipated to be completed April 14, 2024. The location is also known as Grandpont Bridge linking Friars Wharf and Baltic Wharf.

Parts of the two footpaths where they meet at the bridge will be closed. Exemptions are included for emergency services, for the works and for pedestrian access to premises which are only accessible from the closed sections of footpath. The alternative route will be signed locally.

St Clements bus lane alterations: No vehicles can enter or wait in Marston Road between St Clements and Cherwell Street during bus lane alterations on St Clements starting on July 31 which are anticipated to be completed August 11, 2023.

Works will operate between 9pm and 5am. Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed. Exemptions are included for emergency services and for the works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed section of road. The alternative route for traffic is via Marston Road, Headley Way, Headington Road and vice versa.

Morrell Avenue: Bus lane alteration works on St Clements from July 31 expected to be completed on August 11 will operate between 9pm and 5am. No vehicles can enter or wait in Morrell Avenue between St Clements and Glebe Street.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are in force. Exemptions are included for emergency services and for the works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed section of road.

The alternative route for traffic is via Morrell Avenue, Warneford Lane, Gipsy Lane, Headington Road and vice versa.

Quarry application: Hanson Quarry Products Europe Limited has applied to Oxford City Council for planning permission to vary the operating hours at Hanson Aggregates Rail Depot next to Oxford Parkway Railway Station.

A copy of the application can be inspected by members of the public at all reasonable hours at the site office at Hanson Kidlington depot until August 12 2023. It can also be viewed on the Oxford City Council planning portal under application 22/02667/VAR.

Woodstock Road closure and 10mph convoy: Resurfacing/patching of the carriageway, road marking, etc begins on August 10 and is anticipated to be completed August. 26. Works will operate between 8pm and 5am. The whole length of A4144, Woodstock Road, and side road junctions will be closed.

Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are in force. Exemptions are included for emergency services and for the works and for access to premises which are only accessible from the closed section of road.

Two-way traffic will be maintained on Woodstock Road throughout. "Find Alternative Route" signage will be utilised for side road closures as only local residents/ visitors will be affected.

Kennington War Memorial: Vale of White Horse District Council intends to sell its freehold interest in Kennington War Memorial, Bagley Wood Road, Kennington, to Kennington Parish Council.

A plan that identifies the precise location of the land in question can be requested by emailing and quoting: Request for plan - Kennington War Memorial.