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Death Notice

allan NEWTON

Published on 19/02/2020

NEWTON Allan John On 8th February 2020, at Great Western Hospital, Swindon, aged 74 years. A dearly loved man who will be sadly missed by his wife Margaret, children Simon, Amanda and Shelley, his 10 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren and all of his family and friends. Funeral Monday 24th February, 12.00 noon at Kingsdown Crematorium, Kingsdown Road, Swindon, SN25 6SG. No flowers by request please, but donations if desired for Parkinsons UK may be sent c/o Pearce Funeral Services, 92 Ermin Street, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon, SN3 4NN. Enq:- 01793 832072


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